How to handle stress as a healthcare professional

3 minute read

Being a healthcare professional is a role that demands an immense amount of time and effort which can sometimes result in staff being overwhelmed with stress at work. Here is a short guide to help you understand what stress can look like, as well as how you can manage it.

Physical and Mental Impacts Caused by Stress:
Stress can come in many forms, but the most common groups are physical and mental reactions. Some of the physical effects stress can have on you include being fatigued, nausea, increased blood pressure, sweaty palms, chest pains and more.

The psychological effects stress can have on you can include a lack of attention to detail, unorganised thought processes as well a blank mind/racing thoughts.  When you become stressed you may also become easily irritable, and anxious. You may also have changes to your eating habits and may also experience issues with socialisation. Each person reacts to stress differently and you may experience some of these effects.

You can find out more about signs of stress below:

Tips for Managing Stress as a Nurse
If you are or have experienced stress from working, there are ways that you can help to manage and relieve it.

  • One way of doing this is to ensure that you have a good work-life balance. It is important that you don’t let your work consume you, and you need to ensure you can take time off and reset.

  • Another way of managing stress is to identify the main sources of stress. By doing so, you can plan accordingly and prepare yourself before your stress can escalate further. By planning how you are going to carry out a task, you can prepare yourself for any stress you may undergo and have solutions for when you feel like this.  

  • Ensure you are getting plenty of rest. Stress can lead to a lack of sleep which in turn can cause stress levels to further increase. By sleeping you will mediate your bodily functions which helps to regulate your mood.

  • Managing a healthy diet. By maintaining a healthy eating pattern, you can boost your energy levels and promote better digestion, which in turn indirectly contributes to the regulation of mood.

  • Simply talking about how you feel can be a good method of stress relief. It is not good to keep thoughts and feelings bottled up. Talk about it with friends, family, colleagues or even us.

After reading this blog, if you feel that you may have had your work or lifestyle affected by stress, you are not alone. It is useful for healthcare professionals to understand that there are various platforms for them to seek help. If you have any concerns or doubts, contact us directly and we will be happy to assist.

Managing stress as a Nurse:


How to Register

Registering with HG Group is simple and straightforward. You will need to register your interest with us, then you will be contacted by one of our recruitment team members. They will guide you through the process and help you find a role that matches your skills and preferences.

Register with HG Group Today.

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Ready to partner with a leading healthcare agency? For more information or to request more information on our services, please contact our Office at 0203 983 2211 or email us via Our team is here to help you find the right role to ensure you reach your fullest potential.


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